Ratatouille Movie Theater: Storybook and Movie Projector - Rilegato

9780794412845: Ratatouille Movie Theater: Storybook and Movie Projector

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Disney?Pixar's Ratatouille (Rat*a*too*ee) is scheduled to release Summer 2007 and RDCP has the perfect format for this ?can't wait to see? movie.

This newest format, adapted from our best-selling line of Reader's Digest Movie Theater Storybooks® features the newest Disney Pixar movie?Ratatouille. This book comes with a unique image viewer shaped just like the main character, Remi's, head. Also included are ten picture disks that let readers view colorful story images from the movie as they read! With the push of a button on the viewer, 3 fun sounds from the movie can be played!

? Format includes full color book, removable movie projector and 10 movie disks!

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