The Philosophy of the Beautiful: Being Outlines of the History of Æsthetics (Classic Reprint) - Brossura

9781330235461: The Philosophy of the Beautiful: Being Outlines of the History of Æsthetics (Classic Reprint)
  • EditoreForgotten Books
  • Data di pubblicazione2019
  • ISBN 10 1330235460
  • ISBN 13 9781330235461
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • LinguaInglese
  • Numero di pagine312

Spese di spedizione: GRATIS
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William Knight
Editore: Forgotten Books, 2020
ISBN 10: 1330235460 ISBN 13: 9781330235461
Nuovo Paperback
Print on Demand

Da: Forgotten Books, London, Regno Unito

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

Paperback. Condizione: New. Print on Demand. This book provides a comprehensive history of the philosophy of beauty, beginning with prehistoric origins and continuing through ancient, medieval, Renaissance, and modern times. The author traces the evolution of aesthetic thought from its earliest expressions in art and architecture to the sophisticated theories of contemporary philosophers. The book explores the relationship between beauty, truth, and goodness, and examines the role of beauty in human experience and culture. It draws on a wide range of sources, including philosophy, art history, literature, and psychology, to present a rich and nuanced understanding of the nature of beauty and its profound significance in human life. This book is a reproduction of an important historical work, digitally reconstructed using state-of-the-art technology to preserve the original format. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in the book. print-on-demand item. Codice articolo 9781330235461_0

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EUR 18,68
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Spese di spedizione: GRATIS
Da: Regno Unito a: U.S.A.
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William Knight
Editore: Forgotten Books, 2019
ISBN 10: 1330235460 ISBN 13: 9781330235461
Nuovo PAP

Da: US, Wood Dale, IL, U.S.A.

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PAP. Condizione: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000. Codice articolo LW-9781330235461

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EUR 24,27
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Quantità: 15 disponibili

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Foto dell'editore

William Knight
Editore: Forgotten Books, 2019
ISBN 10: 1330235460 ISBN 13: 9781330235461
Nuovo PAP

Da: UK, Fairford, GLOS, Regno Unito

Valutazione del venditore 5 su 5 stelle 5 stelle, Maggiori informazioni sulle valutazioni dei venditori

PAP. Condizione: New. New Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000. Codice articolo LW-9781330235461

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EUR 21,07
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Spese di spedizione: EUR 4,98
Da: Regno Unito a: U.S.A.
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Quantità: 15 disponibili

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