Articoli correlati a The Holy Wild

Buchanan, Mark The Holy Wild ISBN 13: 9781590529836

The Holy Wild - Brossura

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Our perception of God makes a difference in every crevice of our character, from our inner anxieties to our public conversations. It determines whether we're trusting or suspicious, whether we're happy or discontent - and whether or not we can rely on God matters mightily on the day of our death. Mark Buchanan's third book continues his penetrating exploration of the God we worship. Bravely and honestly, he poses the...


Mark Buchanan is a pastor and bestselling author who lives with his wife, Cheryl, and three children on the west coast of Canada. Educated at the University of British Columbia and Regent College, he has been published in numerous periodicals, including Christianity Today and Books and Culture
From the Hardcover edition.

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  • EditoreMultnomah Pub
  • Data di pubblicazione2006
  • ISBN 10 1590529839
  • ISBN 13 9781590529836
  • RilegaturaCopertina flessibile
  • LinguaInglese
  • Numero di pagine269

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ISBN 10:  1590524489 ISBN 13:  9781590524480
Casa editrice: Random House Publishing Group, 2005