Eel River Books

Eel River Books

2159 Terra Vista Ave
McKinleyville, CA, U.S.A. 95519

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Libreria AbeBooks da: 7 ottobre 1999

A proposito di questo venditore

Rare, out-of-print, and used books.

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Condizioni di vendita

We accept checks, money orders, and PayPal. Shipping charges are $4.00 for the first book for media mail shipping; additional books charged per postal rates. Oversized books are shipped per USPS charges plus packing. California residents add 8.25 % sales tax. Overseas shipping per USPS rates.

Condizioni di spedizione

Shipping costs are based on books weighing 2.2 LB, or 1 KG. If your book order is heavy or oversized, we may contact you to let you know extra shipping is required.