MASTERPIECES OF FANTASY AND WONDER: Harrowing of the Dragon of Hoarsbreath; Last of the Dragons; Bagful of Dreams; Enchanted Buffalo; Darkness Box; Peter Pan; Thrush's Nest; Lock Out Time; Proper Santa Claus; Inside Out; Third Level; Griffon Minor Cannon

Hartwell, David G.; Cramer, Kathryn (editors) (Patricia A. McKillip; Edith Nesbit; Jack Vance; L. Frank Baum; Ursula K. Le Guin; J. M. Barrie; Anne McCaffrey; Rudy Rucker; Jack Finney; Frank R. Stockton; Robin McKinley; Johannes Bobrowski; Osbert Sitwell)

Editore: Guild America Books
Usato Condizione: Good Rilegato

Da ThriftBooks-Dallas, Dallas, TX, U.S.A.

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