This groundbreaking book about developing the professional dispositions of school librarians uses three fictionalized librarians to serve as authentic models addressing familiar topics and situations.
· Features a foreword by Theodore R. Sizer, an educational reform scholar, who developed the fictionalized nonfiction style of writing about Horace Smith, an amalgam of the teachers Sizer met crossing the country during his cross-country research of the practices found in American high schools in the 1980s
· Offers follow-up questions and answers that drive home the lessons of each tale, plus discussion questions
· Presents an annotated bibliography of additional helpful readings
Gail Bush, PhD, is professor in the reading and language department, director of the Center for Teaching through Children's Books, and director of the School Library Program at National-Louis University in Chicago, IL.
Jami L. Jones, PhD, is assistant professor in the Department of Library Science at East Carolina University in Greenville, NC.